SAP FICO Display Ledgre

                                                Display Ledger
SAP FICO Display Ledgre

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accountingà General Ledger à Account àDisplay Balance (Transaction code FS10N)

            To give multiple Accounts – Select right arrow beside G/L Account

            To view continuous number select ranges tab with green pound symbol

            To exclude any account select singly values tab with ‘Red’

            Pound symbol
                        Green – Inclusion
                        Red – Exclusion

Once you complete select copy button

To give singly Account àSelect drop don button beside G/L Account

Give your company code AML

Press Enter

Select your account number 100000 – Equity share capital

Give your company code AML

Fiscal year 2006

Business Area, select AMH

Select execute button (F8)

            Double click on Cumulative balance amount

Double click on document No. 1

Select call up document over view button

Select back arrow

How to create own line layout:

            Select change layout button

            Select the fields which one not required under column content

            Document no, Amount, Text not select

            Select right arrow (or) Hide selected field’s button

            For the hidden fields column select posting date,

            Select left arrow (or) show selected field’s button.

Change the column positions:

            Document N0. Should be one (1)

            Posting date should be two (2)

            Text should be three (3)

            Amount in local currency (4)

            Text column length change to 35

            For amount in local currency – Select total check box

            Select copy button.

How to save the layout

            2 Lay notes

     1. User specific
     2. Common to All.

User specific: It can be saved with any number or name.

Common to all: It should be saved with/any number or name
            Select save lay out button (ctrl + F12)
            Lay out: /AML
            Description: Standard layout for AML
            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s).

How to choose your layout

            From the Menu select select lay out button

            Select /AML

How to make default layout

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à General Ledger àEnvironment àUser parameters àEditing options (T. Code FB00)

            Select Line Items Tab.

            For default select on screen under G/L Account layout

            Select /AML

            Select save button

            Go and see the G/L Account à Path FS10N

            Select G/L Account No. 200100 (cash account)

            Company code AML

            Fiscal year 2006

            Business area - AMH

            Select execute button (or) F8

            Double click on cumulative balance
Accrual/deferred document
a. Creation of 3 G/L Accounts

            i) Salaries A/C                – Personnel cost
            ii) Rent A/C                     – Administration
            iii) Outstanding expenses – Current liabilities & provisions

b) Define reversal reason and reversal reason should allow us to reverse on any day.
c) Creation of accrual/deferred document

One provision is today date and one for month ending date.
            24/07/06   -   Rent
            31/07/06   - Salaries

d. Reversal of accrual/Deferred documents

Creation 3 G/L Accounts:

            In this case first to check Accounts groups for giving Account group

            Give the Transaction Code OBD4

            Select position button

            Give the chart of Accounts AML à Enter.

            Note down personnel cost range à 400400 to 400199

            Note down the range for administrationà 400300 to 400399

            Note down the range for current Liabilities & provisions à 100500 to 100599

Creation of G/L Masters (FS00)

            Give G/L Account No. 400100

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give G/L Account No: 100000 (Equity share capital)

Company code: AML

            Press Enter.

Change the account group to personnel cost

            Select P&L Statement Account Radio Button

            Change short text to salaries account.

            Change G/L Account Long Text to Salaries Account

            Other fields are common.

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s).

2. G/L Account No: 400300

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give G/L Account No: 400100 (salaries A/C)


            Change the Account group to administration.

            Change the short text: Change to Rent Account
            G/L Account long text: Change to Rent Account


3. G/L Account No. 100500

            Company code: AML.

            Select with template button.

            Give G/L Account No: 100000 (Equity share capital)

            Company code AML àEnter.

            Change the A/C group to current liabilities & provisions

            Change short text & long text to outstanding expenses.

            Select control data tab.

            Select open item management check box.


                                             Reversal Entries

Define: Reversal reason and reversal reason should allow is to reverse on any day.

Path: SPRO àFinancial Accounting à General ledger accounting à Business Transactions àAdjustment posting/Reversal à Define reasons for reversal
(T. code: FBS1)

            Select new entries button.

            Reason is 41 (Text field).

            Give the text accrual/deferral document.
            Give the document date: 28.07.06

            Type: SA

            Company Code: AML.

            Reversal reason: 41.

            Reversal date: 01.08.2006.

            Posting Key: 40

            A/C No: 400300 (Rent Account).


            Give the amount Rs. 10000/-

            Business area – AMH

            Text: Rent provision for July.

            Posting Key: 50
Account No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)
Amount: ‘*’.
            Business Area: AMH.
            Text: ‘+’
            Document àSimulate and save.

Salary Provision

            Same Path: FBS1.

            Give the document date and posting date: 31.07.06.

            Type: SA.

            Company code: AML.

            Reversal reason: 41.

            Posting Key: 40

            A/C No: 400100 (Salaries Account), Enter.

            Ignore the warning message, Press Enter.

            Give the amount Rs.200000.

            Business Area: AMH.

            Text: Salary provision for July.

            Posting Key: 50

            A/C No. 100500 (Out standing expenses).


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business Area: AMH.

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate and save.

Reversal Accrual/Referral document

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Periodic process àClosing àValuate àReversal accrual referral à Document.

            Transaction Code: F 81

            Give the company code: AML.

            Give the reversal posting date: 01.08.2006.

            Select text new check box.

            Select execute documents button.

            Select reverse documents button.

Open item management

            Vendor Accounts

            Customers Accounts

            Balance sheets Accounts where clearing required.

Provision – payment – outstanding expenses

Recovery – payment – PF, TDS

            In G/L Masters we have to select open items management check II (Refer Tolerance Group)

3 Scenarios:

Full clearing – Partial clearing – Residual clearing

Provision Payment - Partial clearing – Residual clearing

1. Full Clearing Scenario:

1.      Rent Provision: User transaction code: F-02

Give the document date: 28.07.06

            Type SA: Company code: AML: Posting key: 40

            Account No: 400300 (Rent Account)


            Amount is 5555

            Business area: AMH

            Rent provision for July.

            Posting Key: 50
            A/C No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business Area: AMH.

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate and save.

2. How to view open item repaid A/C

Path: Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Account display/check line items (T. Code: FBL3N)

Give the G/L Account No. 100500 (outstanding expenses).

Company code: AML.

Select open items radio button.

Select execute button.

3. Outgoing payment with clearing:

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à General Ledger àDocument entry àout going Payment (T. Code: F -07)

            Give document date: 28.07.2006.

            Type: SA.

            Company code: AML.

            Clearing Text: Out going payment

            Account under bank data: 200100 Cash A/C.

            Business Area: AMH.

            Amount: 5555.

            Text: Out going payment.

            Account under open item selection: 100500 (Outstanding expenses).

            Account Type: ‘S’ comes by default.

            ‘S’ stands for G/L Accounting.

            Select process open items button.

            Double click on 5555 payable.

            Documents simulate and save.

4. Go and see the G/L Account (FBL3N)

            Give G/L Account No: 100500.

            Company code: AML.

            Select cleared items radio button.

            Select back arrow.
            Select open items radios button.
            Partial clearing – Net payable
To check what steps you have done in your reverse.

Path:  SPRO à Financial Accounting Global Settings àCompany code àEnter Global Parameters.

            Select your company code: AML.

            Select details button.

            From the menu select utilities.

            Change reverses (customization)
            Select the folder for your reverse no.

            Select sub folder customizing table.

Partial clearing Method:

              Vendors/Customers   -

1. Rent provision F-02):

            Document date: 31-07-2006.

            Type: SA.

            Company code: AML.

            Reference Bill No. 1234.

            Posting Key: 40

            Account No: 400300 (Rent Account).
            Amount: 50000.
            Business Area: AMH.
            Text: Rent provision for July
            Posting Key: 50
            Account No. 100500 (Outstanding expenses)
            Amount: ‘*’
            Business Area: AMH
            Text: ‘+’
            Document àSimulate & Save.

Out going payment using partial clearing method

            Transaction code: F -07

            Document date: 31-07-06

            Type: SA

            Company code: AML

            Reference: 1234

            Clearing Text: Out going payment

            Account: 200100 (Cash/Bank Accounts)
            Business Area: AMH

            Amount: 15,000

            Text: Out going payment

            Account: Under open item selection

            100500 (Outstanding Expenses)

            Account type: S comes by default

            Select process open items button

            Keep the cursor the amount fields of the line items against which we want adjust

            Select Partial payment tab

            It creates payment amount column

            Double click on Net amount 50000

            Double click on payment amount 50000

            Document simulate

            It gives the message correct the marked line item

            Double click on blue font line item

            Text Enter ‘+’

            Save (or) (ctrl +s)

            Go and see the G/L Accounts (FBL3N)

            Give the G/L Account No: 100500

            Company Code: AML

            Select open items radio button


            Select change layout button

            From the hidden fields column select reference field

            Select “Text” field under column content

            Select left arrow (or) show selected fields’ button

            Select copy button
            Keep the cursor on reference field
            Select sub total button
Making the balance payment and clearing the account

            (Transaction code F-07)

            Document date: 31-07-06

            Company code: AML
            Reference: 1234
            Clearing text: Out going payment
            Account No: Under Bank data: 200100
            Business Area: AMH
            Amount: 35000
            Text: Out going payment
            Account: Under open item selection – 100500 (Outstanding expenses)
            Account type: ‘S’ comes by default
            Select process open items button
            Double click on payable Amount 50000
            Double click on part paid amount: 15000
            Documents simulate and save

Go and see the G/L Account: (FBL3N)

            Give G/L Account No: 100500

            Company Code: AML

            Select clear items radio button


Residual Payment (Residual clearing)
1. Rent Provision (F-02)

            Document date: 31-07-2006

            Type: SA

            Company code: AML

            Posting Key: 40

            Account No: 400300 (Rent account)


            Amount: 60000

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: Rent provision for July

            Posting Key: 50

            Account No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate & save

Outgoing payment using residual clearing method

            User Transaction code F-07 (Payable amount)

            Document date: 31-07-2006

            Type: SA

            Company code: AML
            Clearing text: Out going payment

            Account under bank date: 200100 (Cash Account)

            Business Area: AMH

            Amount: 20000

            Text: Out going payment

            Account: Under open item selection: 100500
            Account type: ‘S’ default

            Select process open items button

Keep the cursor on the amount field of the line item on

            Which we want to adjust

            Select residual items tab

            It creates residual items column

            Double click on Net amount 60000

            Double click on residual items
            Document simulate

            It gives the message correct the marked line item

            Double click on blue font line item

            Text enter ‘+’
            Save (or) (ctrl + s)
            Go and see the G/L Accounts (FBL3N)

            Give the G/L Account No: 100500 (Out standing Expenses)

            Company code: AML

            Select open items radio button


                        Foreign currency postings:

Check exchange rate types;

            Bank buying – Export – G Type

            Bank Setting – Imports/Expenditure – B Type

            Average Rate: Used by MM/SD People – M Type

Path: SPRO àGeneral settings àCurrencies àCheck exchange rate types.

            Select types

            Select position button

            Enter ‘B’


Define transaction ratios for currency transaction

Path: SPRO àGeneral settings àCurrencies àDefine translation radio for currency translation.

This defines the conversion factory between two currencies.

            USD                              INR
               1                                  1

          Japanese year                 INR
                 100                             1

            Europe                         INR
                 1                                1
            Once we follow one conversion factory, follow continuously the same for all the year.

            This is at client level

            Double click on IMG Activity button

            Ignore the message select “yes” button

            Select new entries button

            Ext rt: (Exchange rate type)

            Select ‘G’ – Bank buying

            From: Select USD (American Dollar)

            To: Select INR

            Valid from: 10-07-2006

            Ration (From) – 1

            Radio (To) – 1

            Exchange rate: Select B (Bank setting)

            From: USD

            To: INR

            Valid from: 10-07-2006

            From ratio – 1

            To ration - 1

            Exchange rate: Select M (Average)

            From currency: USD
            To currency: INR
            Valid from: 10.07.2006
            Ratio from – 1
            Ratio to – 1
            Save (or) (ctrl + s)
            Save in your request
Enter exchange rates:

Path:SPRO àGeneral settings àCurrencies àEnter exchange rates

            Select new entries button

            Exchange rate type: G (Bank buying)

            Valid date: 25-07-2006

            From Currency: USD

            To select: INR

            Direct quotation: 44/-


            Exchange rate type: Select B

            Valid date: 25-07-2006

            From currency: USD

            To currency: INR

            Direct quotation: 46/-

            Exchange rate type: M

            Valid from: 25-07-2006
            From currency: USD

            To currency: INR

            Direct quotation: 45/-

            Save in your request
            You can enter each type for each day only
Path for forex rates at user level

            Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Environment àCurrent settings à  Events translation rates (S_BCE_68000174)
             When the rate is not given:

            It takes the rates from forex table

            It takes the latest date rate

            To enter default exchange rate

            Type based on document type

            G/L Posting – SA àb (Bank selling)

            Purchase invoice posting àG (Bank buying)
            (If we don’t specify it takes ‘M’ type by default. ‘M Average rate’

            To enter default exchange rate type ‘B’ (Bank selling) for document type – ‘SA’
            (Use the transaction code (OBA7).

            Select position button

            Give the document type ‘SA’


            Select document type ‘SA’.

            Select details button

            Under default values exchange rate type for foreign currency documents

            Enter B

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

Foreign Currency Posting (F-02)

            Document date 02-08-2006

            Type: SA

            Company code: AML

            Currency: USD

            Posting key: 40

            Give account No. 400100 (Salaries account)


            Give the amount 1000$

            Business area: AMH

            Text: Salary payment


            Posting key: 50

            Account No. 200100 (Cash account)


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate

            To view in INR àSelect display currency button.

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s).

When the rate is given at the time of posting

            Use the transaction code (F-02)

            Give the document date: 02-08-2006

            Type: SA

            Company code: AML

            Currency: USD

            Give the rate: 48/-

            Posting key: 40

            Account: 400100 (Salaries Account)


            It gives message

            Exchange rate: 48$ deviate the increase 4.38%

            Ignore message and Enter

            Give the amount: 1000$

            Business area: AMH

            Text: Salary payment

            Press: Enter

            Posting key: 50

            Give the account no: 200100 (Cash account)


            Amount: *.

            Business area: AMH

            Text: +
            Documents àSimulate & save.
        |                           |                             |                             |                       |
Individual             Reversal of               Mass                    Cleared         Accrual/deferral         
Document             reverse                     Reversal                items               reversal
Reversal               document                                              reversal                                   

Individual document reversal

            This is used to reversal one document at a time

            To give reversal reason

            If we don’t specify reversal date, it takes original document posting date

            That period should be open.

Path:AccountingàFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Document àReverse àIndividual reversal (FB08)

            Give the document No: 1

            Company code: AML

            Fiscal year: 2006

            Reversal reason:

            Select 01 (reversal in current period)

            Posting date: Blank

            Select display before reversal button

            Select back arrow

            Select save button

            From the menu select ‘document display’

            Select display document header button

            Double click on 1 (Reverse document for)

            Select display document header button

            SA – Original document list
            AB – reversal document list

            Details button

            No range – 01

            FB03 – Document display

            Company code: AML

            Document type: SA – Original document
                                       AB – Reversal document
                                          (System defined)

Reversal of reverse document

            Use the transaction code (F-02)

            From the menu select document Post with reference

            Give the document No. 15

            Company code: AML

            Fiscal year: 2006

            Select generate reverse posting check box

            Select display line items check box


            Enter once again

            Change Text: Reversal for document No. 15


            Text: ‘+’

            Enter:  Save (or) (ctrl + s).


            From the menu select document display
            Select display document header button               

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