SAP FICO Mass Reversal

Mass Reversal

SAP FICO Mass Reversal
      To reverse more than one document at a time, we use mass reversal; it can be continuous or random.
Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Document àReverse àMass reversal (F-80)

            Give the company code: AML

            To reverse random Numbers à Select multiple selection

            Beside document number

            Give the document No. 2 & 4

            Select copy button

            Give the reason for reversal ‘01’

            Select text run check box

            Select execute button

            Instead of 2 and 4, Give document No: 13 & 16

            If documents are O.K

            Select reverse document button

Clear item reversal

            Use the transaction code: (FBL3N)

            Give the G/L Account No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)

            Company code: AML

            Select cleared items button


                                                     Full cleared items

                                                   Out standing expenses

Cash/Bank  5555
Document N0 – Rent A/C    5555

            If cheque dishonored it must be reversal

            Here i.e. Full cleared items this is not possible to reversal

            But you can make it as open items then reverse

Path:For reversal of cleared items

            Accounting àfinancial accounting à General Ledger à Document àReset cleared items (Transaction code FBRA)

            Give the clearing document No.7

            Company code: AML

            Fiscal Year: 2006

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Select resetting & Reserves

            Give the reversal reason – 01 (Reversal in current period)


            It gives the message clearing 7 reset.


            Go and see the G/L Account FBL3N
            Give the G/L Account No: 100500

            Company code: AML

            Select open items radio button

Define interest calculation Type:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à General ledger accounting à Business transactions àBank Account in test calculation à Interest calculation Global settings àDefine interest calculation types

            Select new entries button

            Interest Indicator (IndId): M1

            Name: 10% Monthly

            Interest calculation Type: Select ‘S’ Balance interest calculation


            Save in your request

Prepare Account balance interest calculation:

            Same path (Next step)

            Transaction code (OBAA)

            Select new entries button

            Interest calculation Indicator – M1

            Interest calculation frequency: Select 01 – 1 Month.

            Calendar type

            In case of rupee term loan – Select G (28, 29, 30, 31 /365)

            In case of foreign currency Term loan: Select F (28, 29, 30, 31 /360)

            This is based on LBOR (London Inter bank offer rate)

            Select G

            Select balance plus interest check box

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

Define reference interest rates:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger Accounting à Business Transactions àBank account interest calculation à Interest calculation àDefine reference interest rates (Transaction Code OBAL)

            Interest may be calculated – Method (i)

10/04/06 to 31/3                   100000 * 1o/100 * 355/365 = Say 15000

10/09/06 to 31/03                 10000 * 10/100 * 205/365 = Say      3000
                                                                                                       12000                                                                                                                                     ----------

(Method – ii)

10/04/06 to 09/09/06           100000 * 10/100 * 150/365 = 5000

10/09/06 to 31/03                   90000 * 10/100 * 205/365 = 7000

            Normally banks follow 2 typed of interest rates

            In SAP you have two options for this one

            You can create 2 interest rates for debit & credit items


            Interest indicator -             
In India & US follows the same rate of interest rates

            Hence give ‘M2’ for (debit & credit items)

            Select new entries button

            Ref Interest rate M2

            Long Text: 10% Monthly

            Short Text: 10% Monthly

            Date from: 01-04-2006

            Currency: INR

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

Define time – dependent terms:

            Same path

            Select new entries button

            Interest calculation indicator M1

            Currency key: INR

            Effective from: 01-04-2006

            Sequential Number: 1

            Terms: Select credit testing column balance interest calculation

            Ref interest rate: M2

            Save (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

            Select next entry button

            Interest calculators Indicator: M1

            Currency Key: INR

            Effective from 01.04.2006

            Sequential No. 2

            Term: Select debit interest column balance interest calculation

            Ref. Interest rate: M2


Enter interest values:

            Same path: Transaction code (0B83)

            Select new entries button

            Give the reference interest rate M2

            Effective from 01-04-2006

            Interest rate: 10%


            Save in your request

Creation of 2 G/L Accounts;

1stAccounts: SBI Rupee term loan under secured loans.

2ndAccount: Interest Account under interest group

            To check account groups for giving account number (Transaction code OBD4)

            Select position button

            Give the chart of account: AML


Note down the range for secured loans: 100300 to 100399

Note down the range of interest:  400400 to 400499

Creation of G/L Masters:

            Transaction code FS00

            Give the G/L Account No. 100300

            Company code: AML

            Select with Template button

            Give the G/L Account No. 100000 (Equity share capital)

            Company code: AML


            Change account group: Secured Loans

            Change short text and G/L Account log text: SBI Rupee term loan

            Select create/bank/interest

            Field status Group: Select 005

            Interest Indicator: Select M1


            G/L Account No: 400400

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 400300

            Company code: AML


            Select type/description tab

            Account group: Select interest

            Change short text & Long text: Interest Account

            Select save button (or) (ctrl +s)

Assignment of Accounts for automatic posting

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger Accounting à Business transactions àBank Account interest calculation à Interest posting àPrepare G/L Account balance Interest calculation (Transaction code (OBV2)

            Select symbols button
            100300            - SBI Term Loan   
            100301            - ICICI Term Loan
            100302            - IDBI Term Loan

If we have more than one term loan then give 10 pluses (+ + + + + + + + + +)

            Select Accounts button

            Give your chart of Accounts AML


            Give the account symbol – 0002

            Currency – INR

            Give the G/L Account: 400400

            Give the Account symbol – 2000

            Currency – INR

            G/L Accounts, Mark with 10 times plus + + + + + + + + + +

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

User levels: To open posting period April:

            Use the Transaction code OB52

            Select position button

            Give the posting period variant AML


            From Period – 1


            Save in your request

Term Loan receipt (F – 02)

            Give the document data and posting date: 12-04-2006

            Type – SA

            Company code: AML

            Currency: INR

            Posting Key: 40

            Give the G/L Account No. 200100


            Give the amount: 100000

            Business area: AMH

            Value date: 10-04-2006

            Text: SBI Rupee term loan receipt

            Posting Key: 50

            Account No: 100300 (SBI Rupee Term Loan)


            Amount: *

            Business area: AMH

            Value date: 10-04-2006

            Text: ‘+’

            Documents simulate and save

Term Loan repayment:

            Give the document data and posting date: 06-09-06

            Type: SA

            Company Code: AML

            Posting Key: 40

            Account No: 100300 (SBI Rupee term loan)


            Ignore the messages, press enter

            Give the amount: 10000

            Business area: AMH

            Value date: 10-09-2006

            Text: SBI Term loan repayment

            Give the posting key: 50

            Account No: 200100 (Cash Account)


            Amount: *

            Business Area: AMH

            Value date: 10-09-2006


            Documents simulate and save

Interest Calculations:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à General ledger à periodic processing àInterest calculation à Balances (F.52)

            Give the G/L Account: 100300 (SBI Term Loans)

            Give the Company code: AML

            Calculation period: 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2007


To view line item wise interest:

            Select back arrow

            Select additional balance line check box

In case of floating rate of interest

Select back arrow: To give effect for floating rate of interest open one more session with SPRO
            Financial Accounting àGeneral Ledger Accounting à Business transactions à Bank Account interest calculation àInterest calculation
Enter Interest values
            Transaction Code: OB83

            Select new entries button

            Give the reference interest rate: M2

            Effective from 01.06.2006   

            Interest Rate: 12%

            Save in your request

            Come to the first session


            Select back arrow

For interest posting

            Give the calculation period 01.04.2006 to 30.04.2006


            Select back arrow

            Select post interest settlements check box

            Select update master record check box

                        Batch input session

            Give the session name: AML

            Posting to business area: AMH

            Posting date of session: 30.04.2006

            Document date of session: 30.04.2006

            Posting segment text: Interest for April 2006

            Select execute button

            To post the batch input session

            From the menu select system à Services à Batch input àSessions
            Select the session Name: AML

            Select process button

            Select display errors only radio button

            Select process button

            It gives the message: Processing of batch input session complete

            Select exit batch input button

            To view all document posted use the transaction code FB03


            Enter once again

Go and see the G/L Master – FS00

            Give the G/L Account No. 100300

            Company code: AML

            Select create/bank/interest tab
Foreign currency balances revaluation;
Example:If we take foreign currency term loan.
                                                           Exchange rate           Amount payable

On 09.08.2006 – 100000$                        45                          4500000
On 31.03.2007 -                                        50                          5000000
Excess payable                                                                         500000

As per account standard

            The variation is charge to P&L Accounts.

In case of purchased imported assets

            Add to asset value and calculate depreciation over balance life of asset.

Customization of Foreign currency

            Creation of 3 G/L Account

1.      SBI Foreign currency term loan – under secured loans group     
2.      Exchange gain under other income/ exchange loss under administration

            To check account groups for giving account Number (OBD4)

            Select position button

            Give the chart of accounts: AML


            Note down the range for other Income group 300100 to 300199.

Creation of G/L Masters (FS00)

            Give the G/L Account No: 100301.
            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 100300

            Company code: AML
Change the long text, short text to: (SBI FC term loan)

            Select control data Tab

            Give the account currency: USA
            Deselect only balances in local currency check box
            Select create bank/interest tab
            Remove interest indicator
            Remove the dates also

2ndG/L Account: 300100:

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 400300 (Rent)

            Company code: AML


            Select type/description tab

            Change the account group to other income

            Change short text and long text to exchange gain

            Other fields are common

            Save (or) (ctrl + s)

            G/L Account No: 400301

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account: 400300 (Rent account)


            Change the short text and long text: Exchange loss

            Other fields are common – Save.
Define valuation methods:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger Accounting à Business transactions àClosing àValuating àForeign Currency Valuation à Define Valuation Methods. (Transaction Code OB59).

            Select new entries button

            Valuation Methods: AML1

            Description: FC Valuation Bank Selling for AML

            Document Type: SA

            Debit balance exchange rate type (B) (Bank Selling)

            Credit balance exchange rate type – B (Bank Selling)

            Select determine rate type from account balance

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

Prepare automatic postings for Foreign Currency valuation

            Transaction code OBA1

            Double click on exchange rate defining using exchange rate key

            Give your chart of accounts: AML


            Exchange rate difference key: SD

            Expenses account: 400301

            E/R (Exchange rate) gain account: 300100


            Save in your request

Assign exchange rate difference key in loan account: (Transaction code is FS00)

            Give the G/L Account No: 100300 (SBI F/C Term loans)
            Company code: AML
            From the menu select G/L Account charge
            Select control data tab
            Exchange rate difference key
            Select USD

Foreign currency term loan receipt (F – 02)

            Give the document data and posting date: 11/08/06

            Type: SA

            Company Code: AML

            Currency: USD: Rate: 45/-

            Posting Key: 40
            Give the account No: 200100 (Cash Account)


            Give the amount: 100000

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: SBI F/C Term loan received


            Posting Key: 50

            Account No: 100301 (SBI FC Term loan)


            Amount *

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Documents simulate and save

To enter 31st March, 2007 exchange rates in forex table

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Environment àCurrent settings àEnter transaction rates (S _ BCE _ 68000174)

            Select new entries button

            Exchange rate type: ‘G’
            Valid from 31-03-2007

            From Currency: USD

            To Currency: INR

            Direct quotation: 49

            Exchange rate type: B (Bank selling)

            Valid from: 31-03-2007

            From: USD

            To Currency: INR

            Direct quotation: 50


F/C revaluation:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Periodic Processing àClosing àValuate àForeign Currency Valuation (F.05)


            Company Code: AML
            Evaluation period: 31st March 2007
            Valuation Method: AML1
            Valuation in currency type: Select 10 (Company code currency)
            Select G/L balances tab
            Select valuate G/L Accounts check box
            Give the G/L Account No: 100301

            Select posting button

            Select back arrow two times
Showing monthly wise revaluation:                                    Rate of exchange

Example:If we take 100000 – USD On 11/08/06       -                  45
                                                                  31/08/06      -                   46
                                                                  30/09/06      -                   48

Steps to be followed for month end valuation

            Give evaluation key date: 31-08-2006

            Select create positions check box

            Give the reversal posting date: 01-09-2006

            Select reverse postings check box

            Select execute button

Steps to be followed for your end valuation

            Evaluation key date: 31-03-2007

            Select balance sheet preparation valuation check box

            Select create postings check box

            Reverse of posting date: Blank

            Deselect reverse posting check box


            Go and see the document FB03


            Double click on first line Item.

To view path when transaction code is given at user level

             In the command field enter search _SAP Menu

            Search text entry: Transaction Code (F-02)
How to view path in customization:


            Select find button

            Give the search term fiscal year


            Select fiscal year under financial accounting Global settings Area


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